Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Castle of the Mad Archmage switching to print bundle
Up until now, due to limitations in the OBS software, we werent able to offer the books in print as a bundle; you had to add each separately to your cart. As a result, from our sales reports we know that some of you only bought one or two of the three books in the series.
The three books are the Adventure Book (also available for Pathfinder), the Map Book, and the Illustration Book.
If youve only purchased one or two of the three, and youd like to get the ones you missed for whatever reason, nows the time to pull the trigger. Once December hits, youll only be able to purchase the books in the three-book bundle, as we had originally wanted to do when they were first released. They are intended to form a coherent whole, and we feel that not having all three robs you of some of the experience.
I cannot thank you enough for helping to support Castle of the Mad Archmage™ this year. The astounding success of the megadungeon has truly astounded me. And I can tell you that there are some expansions coming soon to help you get even more megadungeon goodness into your game. Because it wasnt big enough already...
So bottom line, if youve held off getting one or two of the books in the series for whatever reason, nows the time to "even out" your collection. Starting next month, theyll only be available together (and that goes for print and pdf, I should mention).
Many thanks, and for those of you in the United States, have a great Thanksgiving.